A State of Being
Our State of Consciousness reflects Truth and Non Truth. There is nothing else. Everything springs from this.
Gita Bellin
Conscious Evolution
holds a Field
for All Life Everywhere
The journey towards Truth is the unfolding of Freedom, Peace, Happiness and Joy.
Gita Bellin
GBA Logo – The Fern
A Universal Symbol
for Freedom, Peace,
Happiness and Joy
Ferns are universally loved as a symbol of unfolding growth. How many of us have a fern in a pot in our home, grow them in our gardens, walk through them in the undergrowth of forests. Ferns are different from most plants because they do not have a true leaf. They do not have flowers or seeds. They are structured so they continue on. Ferns attract much ancient folklore since they are so ancient. Ferns have been found in fossils from as long as 360 million years ago.
Ferns symbolise sincerity towards others. The fern is also considered a symbol of fascination, confidence, discretion, reverie and the secret bond of love. The fern is known to represent Ancient Knowledge. When a fern is given as a gift it symbolises hope, happiness, shelter, luck, wealth and protection. The unfolding of the life force of the individual frond from a tight ball of potential fullness to the final opening into perfect symmetry brings beauty, balance, delicacy and strength into form.
GBA has as its premise that Transformation Programs produce growth changes that emerge from a source deep within the innate structure of the individual. Just as the fern unfolds into its fullness, a human being is capable of this same process of re-creation into an expansive, integrative, evolved life force, having the same symmetry, beauty, balance, delicacy and strength as the fern.
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