Advanced Personal Mastery – GBA Advanced Retreats™
GBA Advanced Retreat 1™
It was suggested to Gita by many participants after several completed Champions for Change–Champions for Transformation and Facilitator Development Programs that it was important to continue the high level work previously experienced by offering Advanced Personal Mastery Programs that would explore the Truth of Conscious Reality in greater depth. This is a subject that has long intrigued Gita and is an area of study that all her teachers have assisted her to explore over six decades. She has been inspired by the response to the sharing of this Higher Knowledge that for so long she has held in her heart.
During GBA Advanced Retreat Phase 1 participants are given the opportunity to engage in Advanced Spiritual Practices where the finer manifestation of Energy into Consciousness is explored and experienced. Knowledge and practical experience of various advanced practices are included to show how Energy is transformed, through Human Consciousness, into Form, into Reality.
The future is not as a result of choices among
alternative paths offered by the present,
but a place that is created.
Created first in the mind and will.
Created next in activity.
The future is not some place we are going to,
but one we are creating.
The paths to it are not found but made,
and the activity of making them changes
both the maker and the destination.
John Schaar
Course Description
There is only one error in our Perception of Reality and that is the ignorance of the Missed Perception of Human Consciousness that creates a separate self-identity. Living Truth requires us to release ourselves from interjected judgements, points of view and the learned content of an illusory reality. All separation needs to be relinquished into Love through Humility and Compassion.
This Advanced Retreat therefore explores the transcendence of the lower more dense levels of Consciousness in order that true healing can take place through the influence of raised soul energy. The practices in this Retreat, exercise the Spiritual Will, the Spiritual Intention, through Advanced Energy Centre work. The Retreat includes Breath work, Empathy, Connection, and Declaration through Affirmations and Decrees, which happen from a non-linear sense of Self. In addition, it is well understood that subjective transformation is far more powerful when experienced as group. Personal spiritual energy is augmented by a group’s Intention and a group’s Spiritual Field.
GBA Advanced Retreat Phase 1 requires participants to have had significant previous experience both in the Knowledge of Consciousness Evolution and inner spiritual practices. For this reason this Retreat is open to all those who have participated in a Foundation Program or the Relationship Course, and the Champions Course. The Champions Course, by its very nature of the presence of the participants in the course and the places participants go to, offers a firm foundation for Advanced Work.
In special circumstances where applicants have a personal history of previous advanced work within particular disciplines they may be accepted for the Advanced Programs.
“Each person is a unique being of flesh and blood: each person represents a unique and valuable experiment on the part of nature: the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world intersects, only once this way and never again. That is why every person, as long as she/he lives, is wondrous and worthy of every consideration. Each person represents a gamble on the part of nature in the creation of a human.”
Herman Hesse
Course Content
There are two major elements explored through the course content, Inner Work and Outer Work. The Inner Work deals with a Soul-centric Reality and the Outer Work explores the knowledge and skills required to transform the Ego-centric Reality, the Strategic Personality, into a Higher State of Consciousness, where the survival of a separate self-state is not the primary focus.
Rest for a moment. Be still. Reflect.
Move through the door of confusion into a future.
The illusion is that busy-ness is safe.
Silence is safer.
Gita Bellin, Amazing Grace Series,
Compassion, pp 9 and 39
The Strategic Personality – The Ego-centric Reality
The Strategic Personality attempts to deal with an external reality by protecting and resolving inner and outer conflicts from past learned behaviour. Another important area to explore is linear experience being mistaken for reality. All beliefs, mind-sets, memory, recall are simply perception of a particular time which actually no longer exists from the point of view of Consciousness Itself. Of course it is possible to recall previous memories however meaning is never truly understood from the Greater Absolute Reality.
- Further more Advanced Work on the Power of Intention exploring evolution from one State of Consciousness to another.
- Understanding how Intention activates progress and potentiates an altered State of Consciousness.
- The First Stage of Consciousness is studied in detail, covering the Pre-personal Unity and Body Self stage, in relation to balanced characteristics, traumas and abuses, deficiency, excess, physical malfunctions and healing strategies.
- The Second Stage of Consciousness is studied in detail, covering Early Ego Stage – Relationships, in relation to balanced characteristics, traumas and abuses, deficiency, excess, physical malfunctions and healing strategies.
- The Third Stage of Consciousness is studied in detail, covering Late Ego Stage – Achievement and Belonging, in relation to balanced characteristics, traumas and abuses, deficiency, excess, physical malfunctions and healing strategies.
- Intentions, Decrees, Affirmations, are created to transform these first three Stages of Consciousness into Higher Vibration. This is done through in depth coaching and fine and subtle crafting by participants of their Intentions and Affirmations.
- Participants are given in depth knowledge regarding the power of working with the Chartres Labyrinth. Rites of Passage, On the Threshold, Journeying In, The Resting Place, Journeying Out, are all studied and experienced in relation to the first three Stages of Consciousness.
- The Holistic Approach to Transformation requires work on the body and the flow of breath through the body. Participants are taught simple yoga asana practices to open up the physical body and increase the flow of breath through the body.
- A major area of study is comprehending how the raising each of the first three States of Consciousness relates intimately to how the body transforms its vibrational frequency.
The Soul-Centric Reality
A Soul-Centric Reality is seen and understood as Creation in Flow, as a teacher, an offering of experienced evolution. A Soul-Centric Reality never needs to be protected from anything nor does it need to protect itself or turn against anything since protection suggests separation.
- A major piece of the work for embracing a Soul-Centric Reality is a deep dive into the knowledge of the Nagaul and the Tonal.
- Readings are selected from uplifting works relating to the integration of the Ego-Centric Reality with the Soul-Centric Reality.
- Participants then apply their realisations to their current State of Consciousness.
- Sound vibration is used to take participants into Deep Silence.
- Practices are given to understand that Silence is a “Gift of Staggering Proportion.”
- As Realisations emerge and Intentions and Affirmations are created for Growth through the first three Stages of Consciousness, major exercises are offered to embed the new reality, the new Higher Vibration of Consciousness at each stage.
- Participants are given an experience to reclaim the Soul as central focus for life experience.
- Participants are shown how to serve One’s Fellow Man and All Life Everywhere, in Truth, from the Heart Centre.
- An Intention-Affirmation is explored and realised, in order that the individual is enabled to stand in their Rightful Identity.
Seeking the experience of Truth is a mistake.
Knowing and living Truth is never a missed take on life.
Gita Bellin
Eastern Body, Western Mind, Anodea Judith, Celestial Arts
Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, The Stairway to Enlightenment, Dr David Hawkins, Veritas
The Map of Consciousness, Dr David Hawkins, Veritas
Power vs Force, Dr David Hawkins, Veritas
The Starseed Transmissions, Ken Carey, Harper Collins
Spiritual Practices
The Spiritual Practices listed below are a powerful support in living a Soul-Centric Reality.
The practices offer the opportunity of integration in every stage of the Retreat, the Ego-Centric Reality and Soul-Centric Reality merging into one Reality.
- Walking Meditations using focussed guidance on a full size Chartres Labyrinth offer the realisations gained during the study of the first three Stages of Consciousness to integrate the Ego-Centric and Soul-Centric Realities.
- A Spiritual Practice is taught to release the individual from all destructive patterns that cause Separateness and Unworthiness.
- A Healing Practice is taught to translate negative energies into Love, Light and Life.
- The DMP Practice delivered in the Foundation Course, Relationship Course, Champions Course, is now developed into a far more powerful exercise using vibrational frequencies to move into Higher States of Consciousness.
- Several breathing practices are taught:
- Using the Breath to lift energy when natural bio-rhythms drop into tiredness and fatigue.
- Using the Breath to release blocked energy in the body.
- Using the Breath to heal areas of the body.
- Using the Breath to explore and experience the Realm of the Soul.
- The Great Disappearing Technique – a practice for disappearing pain, discomfort, anger, boredom, fatigue, negative emotions, depression, irritability and restlessness.
- Participants are given the opportunity under guidance, to experience long periods of Silence using specialised practices. Up to 24 hours.
- Course participants are given materials to support on-going progress in order to prepare for the subsequent Advanced Retreats.
I Am Come.
I choose Transformation.
I burst into New Life.
I am Young and Growing.
I Reflect and Reform.
I am Space.
I die to Self.
Gita Bellin