Being in Relationship
A 2.5-day non-residential foundation level course open to all. Facilitator: Gita Bellin and members of the GBA Facilitator Team. Being in Relationship is a pre-requisite for Champions for Change and the GBA Facilitator Development Program (FDP).
Facilitators: Gita Bellin and members of the GBA Accredited Facilitators team
Please register your interest to be in informed of next course dates.

Champions for Change, Champions for Transformation
A 5.5-day advanced course for people who have already participated in the GBA Being in Relationship course. Champions is a pre-requisite for the GBA Facilitator Development Program (FDP).
Facilitators: Gita Bellin and members of the GBA Facilitator Team.

Advanced Retreat One
A five and a half-day residential deep retreat for participants who have experienced any GBA course.
Facilitator: Gita Bellin and members of the GBA Facilitator Team.
Register interest to be informed of the next course dates.

Advanced Retreat Two
A five and a half-day residential deep retreat that builds on the work experienced in Advanced Retreat One.
Facilitator: Gita Bellin and members of the GBA Facilitator Team.
Register interest to be informed of the next course dates. Please note, participation in Advanced Retreat One is a pre-requisite.

GBA Facilitator Development Program (FDP)
The GBA FDP is a 5-phase residential program including accreditation, as a GBA Facilitator of Transformation, to teach the GBA Foundation Modules and the Dynamic Mind Practice (DMP). Candidates must have participated in both Being in Relationship and Champions prior to joining the program.
Facilitators: Gita Bellin and members of the GBA Facilitator Team.
Each phase is 5 full days and 4 evenings, and participants are requested to arrive on the evening before each phase.
Participants will need to have participated in both the Being in Relationship and Champions courses prior to attending the FDP. Please register interest in these courses to be informed of next course dates.