GBA-Being in Relationship™
An Adventure into Higher States of Relationship
The photograph of the ducks comes from a venue in the UK where GBA taught several Being in Relationship Courses. The ducks are called Eddie and Betty. Whilst GBA was teaching a Relationship Course Betty passed away. The two little ducks had many years of relationship. Ducks mate for life. Betty had a small burial service by the river and for a while Eddie sat by her grave. After a while he kept wandering around, quacking and looking for her. The hotel tried to find him another mate, and it didn’t work. In the end he wandered off down the river and through the fields and was never seen again. The hotel has now replaced Eddie and Betty with a new pair of ducks. Throughout our Relationship courses Eddie and Betty truly demonstrated to all of us how their life-long partnership would have had so much caring, companionship, beauty, harmony and loving commitment. They offered all of us the greatest demonstration of purity in Relationship.
“Relatedness must become the organising principle of the 21st century”
Gita Bellin
The GBA Being in Relationship Course™ provides practical skills, experience and understanding which empower people to transform the quality of relationships in their day to day lives.
The Key to Transforming Relationships is a Shift in Root Perspective
The core concept of GBA Programs is that of Transformation rather than of Change. The dictionary defines Change as a substitution or succession of one thing for another, a variation in consciousness for ourselves as human beings. Transformation in Relationship requires a process of recreating the internal structure of our consciousness, altering it in an expansive, integrative, evolutionary direction the root perspective from which we perceive reality.
Within the Being in Relationship Course™ participants look at any barriers they may have in Relationships. The first step is to be aware of these barriers in order to choose or not choose to fix them. Participants are given an opportunity to become aware. All that is needed is a map. The Journey into Higher States of Relationship requires participants to recognise that they have barriers, mind-sets, attitudes, and behaviours that may cause dissatisfaction in Relationship.
Success is already achieved when these barriers are recognised and a person is at choice as to what they wish to do with them. What this does is recognising that I myself have this barrier, this mind-set, this attitude, this behaviour, and I choose to handle it or not handle it. One choice brings freedom, the other perpetuates difficulty and unhappiness.
If there are dreams about beautiful Relationships, there are roads that lead to their goal.
Two of these roads could be named. Goodness and Forgiveness.
Nelson Mandela
Course Description
Participants are invited to focus on what they wish to achieve in regard to Relationship. They are offered the opportunity to create an intention outcome. This is their map. Throughout the course the intention constantly evolves in regard to what they wish to achieve, let go of, heal, move through, complete.
Transforming Relationship requires a transformation in the concept of what we are and what the factors are that make our life as it is. It requires the ability to stop blaming others for the way we feel. It requires us to cease to be a victim of circumstances and that our emotions become choices – NOT – something that happens to us. Participants are given skills that enable them to be motivated rather than remaining in a place “hoping it will happen”.
Making people wrong has become a State of Consciousness in our Ego-Centric Society
Forgiveness, Gita Bellin, p67.
Course Content
Creative Response Behaviour
Reactive Response Behaviour
This life-changing 2.5 day program examines in great depth and detail our distinct patterns of thinking, feeling and acting in Relationship. The Relationship Course provides practical skills, experience and understanding in transcending negative emotional behaviour patterns in self and others. Participants are shown how to move through anger, rejection, fear, pain, isolation, frustration and withdrawal. Skills are used to access deeply buried belief patterns that are Survival/Reactive based
A major focus of the course is the understanding of the interaction of the Strategic Personality within Relationships through current philosophical and psychological concepts of the development of the Brain. This focus enables the participant to deal with conflict and opposition, dysfunctional mind-sets and behaviours. Skills are acquired to enable the individual to be “Willing to Resolve.”
Other areas of focus include how to discover mutual Respect, Love and Compassion, how to become “Complete” with our Parents, our siblings, extended family, friends, working colleagues, etc. The course takes a deep dive into “Being in Relationship” within Marriage and Partnership. Course participants are given the opportunity to master deep relaxation. This is achieved through the knowledge of how to Master Stress, Tension, Anxiety, Fatigue, through altered Brain Wave States.
Moving through Grief and Loss
Grief and Loss are fundamental experiences in Human life. We experience the emotions of Grief and Loss when something we value is taken away. The Loss of Love, the Loss of Value, the Loss of a home, one’s country, our work, redundancy, are the challenges we face in life. Recent research has shown that there is also a growing awareness that losses can provide the possibility of life-enhancing transformation as it becomes possible to integrate the lessons of Loss and Resilience into life. Many previous participants who have attended the Relationship Course have made incredible breakthroughs in the resolution to Loss.
The photographs above give a sense of the energy of Relationships moving from the life challenge of Grief and Loss, towards a gradual healing, resolving the past, opening up new possibilities, thus reclaiming Inner Completion and Inner Peace.
The closed fern holds the possibility and probability within in it, to open up into the fullness of itself. The human being has the same possibility and probability, to let go of the past. The open fern, as do people being in a healed Relationship, holds the actuality of the result.
The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, Dr Thomas Verny
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L Hay
The Body is the Barometer of the Soul, Annette Noontil
Power vs Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour, Dr David Hawkins
The Heart Code, Paul Pearsall
Everyone Can Win: How to Resolve Conflict, Helen Cornelius and Shoshana Faire
In Over our Heads: the Mental Demands of a Modern Life, Robert Kegan
The Evolving Self: Problem and Process in Human Development, Robert Kegan
The HeartMath Solution, Doc Childre and Howard Martin
Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More than IQ, Daniel Goleman