Selby Baqwa

“I met and interacted with Gita as a banker between 2002 and 2011. Due to Gita’s unassuming and calm disposition I could hardly fathom the far-reaching and transformational nature my meeting her would have on the rest of my career.

Gita is not only uniquely gifted in coaching skills but also a deeply spiritual individual.

These skills and Gita’s spiritually helped to carry me over a critical period in my life when I had just undergone heart surgery and had at the same time to transition from a Corporate Banking Executive to a member of the Judiciary, which is the third arm of government, as a Judge of the High Court of South Africa.

In a manner in which no other person could have done, Gita assisted me to understand that the very health scare was part of the scheme for me to undergo that transition for an even higher contribution to our then fledging democracy. That understanding was key to my adjustment in my career.

Five years later, sitting as chairman of the South African Judges Association, I look back with awe at Gita as a visionary and her ability to propel like a projectile, any individual, to a successful career path not only in the private or public sector but anywhere in the world.

Well done Gita and thank you! 

Selby Baqwa